Among my collection of books on poetry ( poems as well as guides to the study of poems), there is one book I like much - 'The Forms of Poetry - A practical study guide for English by Peter Abbs & John Richardson ( Cambridge U P). It is meant for students aged 14 -18, but is useful for anyone who wants to understand and appreciate poetry. Poems of many kinds liberally scattered throughout, the book is hugely enjoyable. I just wanted to share some I liked.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn the nuances and beauty of poetry.
The Masochist's Week
******** Anon.
It sits, a moist ball of flesh in my hand.
Vulnerable, pressed belly close to my pink palm,
The ball of putty croaks,
Blowing out with care, his throat balloon taut.
He lets it go shriveling back into limp folds,
Like worn material .
He hangs his skin cravat under his chin and smiles.
Suddenly, his head jerks up
Sending black warts colliding down his back.
His eyes swivel
Full of wet black wonder
Exaggerated by the thin circlet of gold he wears around them.
Regally he stands
In wait for the worm, long pale pink innocence.
Then tongue whips the air and satisfaction slips down
His throat.
He presses his eyes down and shuffles his
membranous feet.
He smiles and rests his head flaccidly on my thumb.
Liza Robinson ( aged 13)
Don't you care for my love? she said bitterly.
I handed her the mirror, and said:
Please address these questions to the proper person!
Please make all requests to head-quarters!
In all matters of emotional importance
please approach the supreme authority direct! -
So I handed her the mirror.
I handed her the mirror, and said:
Please address these questions to the proper person!
Please make all requests to head-quarters!
In all matters of emotional importance
please approach the supreme authority direct! -
So I handed her the mirror.
And she would have broken it over my head,
but she caught sight of her own reflection
and that held her spellbound for two seconds
while I fled.
********** D H Lawrence
************ Balachandran V, Trivandrum 30/06/2012