“through the act of living, the discovery of oneself is made concurrently with the discovery of the world around us. . ."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Flower Market

Do not leave, my friend, do not
Leave me with just a glance.
Do not just caress me and leave
Do not just pick me up and smell
My fragrance and throw me back in the basket.

I have been plucked, tenderly
With care not to smudge or crush
My lovely petals even now damp with dew
I wait for thee to hold me to your chest
And take in deep all I have to offer
Look, look at my colour, my grace and beauty
Smell me deep, my sweet scent!

Let me adorn your beloved's head
Or soothe her eyes, still, in the pot.
Let me remind her of you, of your love
For all thats worth in the world is just love.

This is all I have to offer thee, my friend
My life, though it be brief.
Take me, my friend, let me be
A fleeting memory and later
Scatter me to the winds.
What more do I need
What more to fulfill
What more be the purpose of my life?
************ Balachandran, Trivandrum 25.02.2010


  1. This is absolutely fabulous...You should be reaping monetary rewards by writing for magazines and such...this should be entered into a contest for the elite of poetry... Sandy

  2. There you go, making me blush! :D

    But thanks, Sandy, happy you liked it. I believe I had posted in poetrypoem...


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