“through the act of living, the discovery of oneself is made concurrently with the discovery of the world around us. . ."

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Amor sans Frontiers

Do, do, do do, do
Do look, do, into my eyes
Croo, Croo, Croocroo, Crukcroo, croo
Croon me to sleep, my little love!
Don't you see me nodding my head
Bobbing my head up and down?
I too am an Owl, just like you
I too am a bird of skies so blue!
Don't you hear me flapping my wings
Don't you see me soaring in the sky?
Croo, Croo, Croocroo, Crukcroo, croo
Croon me to sleep, my little love!
How lovely it'd be to hold you close! 
To caress your fluffy ball of a head
To rub my nose on your beaky beak! 
To look into your eyes and kiss them close!
Don't you see me , little Owl, 
Don't you feel that I am you? 
Croo, Croo, Croocroo, Crukcroo, croo
Croon me to sleep, my little love!
***** . Balachandran V, Trivandrum 10.04.2018
Barred Jungle Owlet, Owlet-in-Residence.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Blue and Black

Among a cradle of leaves
A frog sits facing away from me.
Green leaves, touched with faint morning dew. 
The brook by the side is dry.
A butterfly flitters, faint beats of the wing
Ruffle the leaves.
No flowers, no drip of water drops.
Even the wind is still. 

I peer among the bushes
Vainly for a glimpse of a damselfly
Blue and black, who should be here.
I, the man, who beat everything 
Blue and black. 

**** Balachandran V, Trivandrum. 21.03.2018