Like being hit by a speeding truck
And then, like a lover’s gentle caress
The winds of Nagercoil blow
From the east, the west and all around.
Among the grass, the dragonflies veer-
Swing up and away and then twist
To drop: pummelled by the winds, they
Grapple with the twigs as if on a joyride.
The ponds ripple; little waves rise
Like young girls shivering at their lovers’ kiss.
The crows and doves like drunkards
Stagger in the air; the tall
palms sway
Their leaves chatter, huddled
close like kids
The green paddy, as far as the
eye can see-
Undulating waves of a vast sea.
Then – the winds would drop
As suddenly as it blew.
Dead calm – and you wonder
If the winds were a dream,
A hallucination.
Nagercoil suits me fine.
Because, within me too,
The winds blow, blow, blow –
And die - all of a sudden...
************* Balachandran V. Trivandrum. 11.11.2015
ReplyDeleteI can feel the winds.
Partly because me too am from nearby Nagercoil.
I did enjoy these winds every day. But then it felt nothing.
Now that I miss, I know.
Thanks for letting that breeze brush against me.
Thank you for writing the BlogI am glad to read your blog