“through the act of living, the discovery of oneself is made concurrently with the discovery of the world around us. . ."

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Hangout

At the click of the mouse -
History is on.
Switch off History
At the next.

At a click are gone -
Love, longing
Rage, Sorrow
The moments you spent -
With me.

No, the next will not
Bring them back.

I shudder to think -
If in real, as in that virtual
You would flick - me off
With a click.

**********  Balachandran V, Trivandrum  12.11.2015


  1. I think I need that FLICK switch for myself ..

    Hello Bala Sir..


    1. Hello Bikram, How are you? :) I had taken a long hiatus from blogs; the interests changed, the readership dwindled... Now mostly I am in FB. But now I am going to make a comeback.

      It is great to see you again? Still in England? Rode your bike to Scotland yet? I will be more active in the coming days.

      warm regards


  2. Great Blog.Had great time reading your blog


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