“through the act of living, the discovery of oneself is made concurrently with the discovery of the world around us. . ."

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Clam

The clam is a lucky creature
because it has a shell to go back to.
Or it has a shell to live in
Clammed, keeping others out.
The only problem being a clam
Is that people would pry it open
For a pearl or two
And would discard when disappointed.
It is indeed sad for the clam
To lie disembowelled, splayed,
Displaying all its innards
To all and sundry passing by...
************* Balachandran V. Trivandrum 01.11.2015


  1. True, especially when the clam never promised pearls to begin with.

  2. True, especially when the clam never promised pearls to begin with.

    1. You know, Sujata, I first posted this poem in FB; except for one or two, nobody seems to have sensed the allegory! :) Thanks for commenting! So happy, I am to see you again! How are the kids?


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