Sitting here, alone in the night in a lodge
At the foot of the hills
Drinking whisky and smoking,
Sitting like a fat Buddha with glasses
The liquor- flushed cheeks rubbing its frame
The bloated belly like an over-filled sack
Slumping over hiding my nudity
The fleshy thighs spreading over the chair
Like over-watered dough
And the smell of fried beef in my nose
Its spices still tingling my tongue
And its shreds snuggling
Between the yellowing teeth –
I am trying to take a fresh look at myself.
Overweight, smoking, sluggish
Muscles long forgotten to stretch
I fit the bill for a cardiac case.
All that remains to be known is when.
It jerks me out of my drunken reverie
That it could be in the next moment
Or the one after the next.
While my estranged wife would be
Busying herself with religious rituals
That will bring her blessings and good fortune
Benefactions of the Goddess
Like the thousands of her sex
Who pollute the city for a day
And while my son would be busying himself
With an enactment of preoccupation
With his studies
While actually listening to Rock
Or to the intermittent telephone calls
Of his friends
And while my dogs would be
Lying panting, exhausted with barking
At all those passing our gates
And I believe, wondering where I have gone-
I sit here, an escapee from that din outside
Though helpless, having to listen to that from inside
And as ever, pursing my lips and repeating
That I have to cut down my eating and drinking
And smoking and shouting and later wallowing
In self-pity
And walking every day morning
And working it out at the gym
Or swimming in the pool
And to be sharp and assertive
And write poems and write what all
And go for long rides on the bike –
And wondering, what the hell,
What is the point in postponing
The inevitable
But then wishing I would be free of this guilt
This guilt for living the way I want to
Wishing I could live the way I want to
Without wrestling with this guilt
But then again at the back of my mind
This constant ticking that
I am a potential candidate for myocardial infarction
And then thinking, Hell! Everyone is,
Everyone eventually will be, that or something else
But the question, I realize
Is not about the hundred ways of dying
And having no choice in that matter
But on living –
Which brings us to an examination
On the quality of life
If somebody would provide a standard
So much measure of happiness and sorrow
So much of richness and depravity
So much pleasure and so much pain –
And I am getting confused
But have to put an end to it
The best way, I know
Is to remind myself again
To reduce weight
To stop smoking
To stop drinking
To be happy
Be happy
Be happy
And never never to look deeper into oneself
Or ruminate over the past –
And –
Perhaps at the moment
Of the inevitable
Tell oneself – now I am puzzled-
What or wonder if there is
Any point at all in talking
To oneself as one lie dying.
***************** Balachandran, Kallar, 09.03.2009